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Medical Providers

Primary Care providers are at the front line of the fight against rising mental health issues in teens.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further strained the health care system and many teens are waiting months to get an appointment with a therapist or psychiatrist. The CALM Project aims to connect primary care providers with Nebraska schools to speak directly to teens about mental health. The main goals of The CALM Project are to educate teenagers on identifying mental health issues, eliminate the stigma of mental health disorders, raise awareness that these are treatable medical conditions, and provide treatment resources. The CALM curriculum is specifically designed to empower those in need of mental health care to seek treatment.

What makes the CALM Project different than other mental health education programs is that the teens will be learning about depression directly from a healthcare provider from their own community.

As a CALM Project Presenter, you would give the provided 30-minute presentation to 9-12th graders at your local high school.
The presentation comes with built-in survey questions and polling to keep the students engaged. Students can answer questions in real time using a smart phone, classroom computer, or tablet. The presentation can be done in a variety of ways such as virtually or in-person during a homeroom or study period. Depending on how large the classes are, the presenter may need to give the presentation multiple times to reach all the students.

Your associated school would receive:

  • Student Cards (1 per student) that provide quick access to mental health resources for teens
  • Parent Handout (PDF) that provides reliable mental health resources for parents and guidance on how to care for a teen with depression
  • School Poster that includes the same information as the “Student Card” and may be displayed in your school

The CALM Project is provided at NO COST to the school.

A CALM Project Coordinator will help connect you with the appropriate school administrators so that you may coordinate a date and time for the presentation.

*Please note, program approval by the school is required before the presentation can be given. If a school does not wish to participate, we may ask if you have interest in presenting to a different local school.

If you are interested in becoming a CALM Project presenter, or have questions, please contact us using the form below.

Office Address(Required)
I am interested in (select all the apply)

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